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February 2005 Alaska Bar Exam Results

Total number of applicants: 62
Number passing: 44
Overall pass rate: 71%

Number of 1st time takers: 50
1st time takers pass rate: 78%

Below is the list of passing applicants from the February 2005 Alaska Bar Exam.

Applicant Name:

Ascott, Ivan
Baumetz, Jason
Beltzer, Christopher
Brown, Molly
Condie, Craig
Conley, Jenna
Day, Jennifer
Dudukgian, Goriune
Gist, Jason
Goodwin, James
Grannik, Andrew
Gross, Joseph
Hargrave, Dallas
Hunsaker, Jamie
Hunsaker, Matthew
Jamgochian, Thomas
Jamieson, Angela
Kammermeyer, Jacob
Kron, Michael
Layman, Gabriel
Lee, Wei-Drin
Martin, Alice
Martin, Hilary
McLeod, Jill
McNamara, Cara
Pickrell, Kristian
Polizzotto, Rebecca
Runnels, Katholyn
Sheehan, James
Sia, Heather
Silverberg, Elizabeth
Simpson, Sara
Stanage, Todd
Steeves, Michael
Stohler, Lyle
Stryszak, Michal
Swanson, Danika
Thibodeau, Nicole
Twomey, Timothy
Vogel, Angela
Warnock, William
Wenstrup, Michael
Wielechowski, William
York, David